Things I think you should know

HTML signature in MAIL on MAC email Aug 04, 2022

Its been quite a journey of at least a few weeks trying to make sure that the logo in my email signature is a clickable link, and its painful to say while Outlook makes this quite simple and straight forward, its always been difficult to accomplish on the Mac.

Oh, there are apps and websites that c...

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Equipment list Uncategorized Jul 23, 2022

So if you know anything about me, you know that I love toys, 


Ive tested and played with a lot of different tools and equipment when it comes to video and photography, here are a few things I recommend everyone start out with. 

Nothing too extravagant, just things that will make your life easie...

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A few suggestions about your Home studio camera equipment studio tech Sep 17, 2020
Over the past few years, I've built my share of home studios... and even a few professional studios back when I was working in university.
If there was ever a rabbit hole you could get trapped in this is it! There is no end to the types and sizes of different toys equipment you can buy for you
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How to upload multiple contacts to Kajabi with CSV file contacts email upload workaround Sep 10, 2020

As I was uploading contacts into the list and individually adding the comma after each... I was thinking to myself "there has to be a better way" but the Kajabi support page didn't clarify the issue too much, so I set about finding a workaround, and here it is. 

Watch the video to see how I simplif...

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Sending your lead-magnet to someone who opted in twice automation email fix kajabi lead-magnet workaround Aug 08, 2020

Ok here is the situation that I faced a few weeks ago. 

Someone downloaded my lead-magnet twice in a row and they did not receive the email containing the download link the second time around.

After speaking with support, I learned that the automation will not fire off an email if it has been previo...

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